Sunday 13 May 2018

Get inspired. Take one step now. Never stop.

Once there was a newly graduated marketing student that had just started her professional career by landing her first job, shortly after returning to her hometown, Athens, from the Netherlands. Everyday, she would commute to and from her workplace for about 2.5 hours. During those hours, she would observe other people and try to get a glimpse into their routine.

But then she also started to get to know some other regular commuters. What started as small talk about hobbies and how one spends their free time, gradually evolved to deeper conversations. Until one day, just before Christmas period about 3 years ago, one of those commuters, employed at an advertising agency, shared with her an interesting video ad. He promised it would be "moving for anyone watching it".

Source: Pixabay

The video, created by Expedia, presented Santa Claus travelling around the world in 1 week. The intriguing part wasn't the fact that travelling lasted one week instead of the standard one-night trip, but that he would reach all the destinations by air plane! While travelling, he continued gathering points on Expedia platform, until he reached his final destination, St. Jude's Children’s Research Hospital. At that point, he gifted presents to hospitalised children, but that was not his only gift to them. As he rested in the end, he also gifted his Expedia points to the Hospital via the special website portal created for this philanthropic goal. The truly intriguing aspect of this ad lied in the fact that it just promoted a good cause instead of a simple product.

As you may have guessed by this point, the young professional in the story was me and because of that video, I was inspired to start travelling more than I did in the past! However, now my focus shifted to a new goal; encounter new cultures, meet people and learn all I can about their daily life and problems. Because of that new inspiration, I also decided to take an extra action and started becoming more involved in social media and blogging, which turned out to be my true calling as a professional. Ever since that cold December morning, I feel like I can have an impact in the world, by travelling and seeing so many different cultures and how people approach life in every corner of the world. At the same time, shifting my professional focus on digital marketing has proved to be my best career movement up to now as I have been enriching my knowledge on platforms such as Instagram, Blogger, Facebook, YouTube and many more all the time.

So look around you for life inspiration, as it may come from anywhere and don’t hesitate to follow your dreams. It all starts by turning Zero into One Step Now....

Source: Personal archive

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